Our Mission
Please note that tyhis mission statement was prepared by the PCC during an interregnum more than five years ago. It was to help the new incumbent understand where we wanted to be at that time and recognised the challenges we faced then. Since that time there have been many changes which affect the mission statement but it is useful at times to remind ourselves of the changes we have made. Updates are indicated in italics.
Worship in Clipston Church is fairly mainstream and traditional with a congregation mainly comprising older people and having sung Eucharistic services each week. The following bullet points give an indication of the type of Church we would like to see in Clipston in the future and ways in which we feel that may be achieved.
- Thriving Church with a mixture of age groups. Sunday Club encouraging young people into Church.
- Community Church – active in the Village. This could involve seeking links with existing Village groups, shared activities and fund raising
- Visible Church - Being seen in the Village. Need to ensure that the Priest is seen, available and known and is active with pastoral visits etc.
- Learning Church - encouraging spiritual development through ALPHA course or similar and development of house groups. An ALPHA Course is planned for the near future.
- Inclusive Church - Need to encourage those people who have left the Church over recent years to return and welcome new people.
- Responsible Church - Need to share responsibility for Church activities through appointment of Church Wardens and PCC together with volunteers.
- Sustainable Church - Need to raise funds and increase payment of our Parish Share. It has been difficult to raise funds recently and the fabric of the Church – especially the Churchyard wall is in urgent need of repair. We have been able to pay our Parish Share in full for the past two years and repairs to the Churchyard wall have been made. We do however face continuing challeges in the maintenance of a large historic building with limited income.
- Linked Church - Need to develop links with other Churches in the Benefice and ‘build bridges’.
- Musical Church - Encouraging music within the Church and its services. There is a wealth of musical talent in the village. It would be good to re-form the Church choir in the village. The choir has been re-formed under Julie Connell and has been performing at joint services and special occassions for several years.
- Educating Church – Desire to play an active part in the life of the local school through regular assemblies and continuation of the school services held at the Church.
The mission of All Saints Church, Clipston is to be a vital part of the community in the village and locally. This will involve the Church in being proactive and reaching out in its approach to ensure that all sectors of the community understand what we are all about and are happy to be associated with us.