Easter Garden






Task: Choose a base which is no more than 30 x 30 cms or 30 x 40cms (own choice of material but it needs to be reasonably stable) and design and build a 3D garden for Easter. We would like you to build an Easter garden (scene) any parts of the Easter story can be included – from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. Maybe you want to represent the story of Palm Sunday and the crowd waving palm branches, or the overturning of the money lenders in the temple, or the betrayal of Jesus or the washing of the disciples feet, the Last Supper, or Good Friday or finally the resurrection of Jesus or simply your view of the Easter garden. The parts of the Easter story can be found in  can be found in Matthew’s Gospel chapter21 v 1-17, ch 26-ch 28 - v10; Mark ch11 v1-10, ch 14-16;Luke ch 19 v 29-48, ch 22 – 24; John ch 12 v 12-19, ch 13,ch 18- ch 20.

Your entries should be brought to St Mary’s church by Friday 22nd of March and left on the table in the children’s corner or if you are a pupil at WSSES I will collect them on 25th or 26th from the School office. Or arrange delivery with Kairen. Each entry should have a completed entry form with it and these can be obtained from WSSES or the back of church, or from the website or via email to me. The competition is for children, adults and families, any organisation groups, anyone in fact!

Enjoy this challenge and having your contribution displayed over Easter in St. Mary’s Church, Welford.

Kairen 575331 or kairen.ball@nasebygroup.org or entry forms here

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