Church service
We will be using Zoom which is a phone and video conferencing facility designed to connect people in multiple locations. It is widely used by businesses and has millions of users worldwide. It is free to use and perfectly safe (only your name will be visible to other people joining in).
Here are the instructions to join the meeting.
One-off set up required (If you havent used Zoom before, we suggest doing this before Sunday morning, if possible).
We recommend using a smart phone or tablet to access the live stream but you could also use a computer.
You could even use a basic landline telephone for sound only, for your instructions, skip to italics below.
Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app in the App Store or Play Store.
Before the service, 15mins before the start time onwards…
With the app already installed, click on Join a meeting (please note, you do not have to sign up or sign in to enter the meeting )
You will be prompted to enter a Meeting ID.
Please enter our code:
New number available shortly
and click Join Meeting.
You may be prompted to accept the terms of service and privacy policy and can do so by clicking I agree.
You may be prompted to allow access permission (this will allow the app to use your devices camera to create the video image and its microphone to create the sound) and can do so by clicking got it. If they ask do you allow zoom to take pictures and record video click allow.
You should now see your own image on the screen and you can select whether you join the meeting with or without video. Please select join without video (this means everyone can watch the service but cant see you). If asked, please allow recording of the audio (this terminology is misleading, it isnt recording, rather it is enabling your microphone so that you can be heard when you are joining in. And dont worry the meeting organiser will mute you on entry.
You should now be able to see the meeting welcome screen and hear the background music. If you can see the Sunday welcome screen but cant hear anything, please check your volume setting.
The buttons at the bottom of your screen will allow you to mute/unmute your microphone and stop/start your video. Only when this is allowed.
Make yourself comfortable and wait for the service to start.
For a sound only experience, please dial 0203 481 5240 and when prompted, enter the meeting ID New number available shortly #. No participant ID is required so just press # again when prompted.
The online donation scheme has been established as the Offertory for the Naseby Group Virtual Services.
You may donate by using this link to the Total Giving service.
You will be given the opportunity to Gift Aid your donation.
Your donation will be used to support all seven churches of the Naseby Group of parishes, allocated in agreed proportions to each church.
This online giving scheme is administered by All Saints Church Clipston.
The donation will appear on your card statement as made to Naseby Group Churches, probably abbreviated.
Please dont feel that this is expected, particularly if you are already part of the stewardship scheme, but we are obviously not benefiting from an actual collection plate being passed around our congregations.